2008년 4월 9일 수요일

Q5 : Do you agree that ranking schools and separating suprior and inferior students is effective for the improvement of students' ability for study?

Yesterday was Election day, and the Grand Nitional Party won and got more congress men than any other parties. The number of them are more than half. The goverment came to have the power making new policies and will push the change of overall society forward. Probably education is not exception. While previous goverment persued the realization of equal chance for education, this government, I think, wants to promote the effectiveness of education through students' competition and give the appropriate reward for that.

So my fifth question is "Do you agree that ranking schools and separating suprior and inferior students is effective for the improvement of students' ability for study?"

As for me, I think it has some advantages. When excellent students gather together in one group, they try to do their works better and it could lean to a positive competition. They could learn more each other. And other studnets also could be taught adequately according to their levels and prevented from being alienated in school. In some aspect, enlargement of "a High School for a Special Purpose" would be helpful.

댓글 4개:

Liz :

I don't agree to the idea of ranking schools and separating students. I think the idea is for the rich and the people in the big cities. They say these days money makes scores at school. Ranking schools will make the situation worse.

Eun-ju, a dandle lion :

I fully agree with Liz. Ranking schools will makes the schools more competitive and students stressed. They don't rank the quality of education, but just scores. It can kill lots of students. Do you know most of developed countries including western and northern European countries don't rank their schools.
Equalized eduacation is the main stream. If we seperate the students with their level, students lose their chance to meet various people who they should live together in one society. Students should learn how to survive together through cooperation and tolerance.
We should educate it, not just instrudment for students' selfish success.

Nicole :

Hi Joey,
I'm worried about the level system as it will create a status system which may result in unfair treatment of certain percentages of the population. Because everything in Korea depends on educational achievement, it would be quite a disaster if some people could not participate equally.


Hi,Joey. I'm Paul.
I agree your comments.
Our country name is Republic of Seoul. What does it mean?
That is to say, our country's policy depends on Seoulite.
So Koreans are separating superior people from inferior people likewise students. I am a inferior person because of I don't live in Seoul, I live in Dae jeon.